Nov 042014
Day Team Competition Opposition Venue Time
Friday 7th Nov Seniors UBL Richmond Kilballyowen 7.30 pm
Saturday 8th U20’s League Yng Munsters Cresent College 2.30 pm
Sunday 9th u14’s League Ul Bohs Annocothy 11am
Sunday 9th u18’s OFF Ennis OFF OFF
Sunday 9th Women League Richmond Kilballyowen 2pm
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Nov 032014

On Sunday Bruff Women’s started their second match at home against St Mary’s, determined to erase that memory of last weeks unfortunate defeat against Abbeyfeal RFC where we didn’t even get onto the score board. After a bit of a shaky start, midway through the first half the score was nearly opened by full back Audrey Dempsey who was finishing a great spell of back play, thrusting herself over the try-line in the far corner. Unfortunately the ball did not rest under her chest but bounced out due to the force of the downward pressure. So ref Cleary ordered a Bruff scum on the 5 meter line, from which the ball got played into the backs who had to do a bit of magic, after which fly half Cathrine Quinn was able to finish it off with a try close enough to the post to also hop over the conversion. 7-0.
With a bit more conviction the rest of the first half Bruff women sort of camped in St Mary’s half but only at the last minute of the first half 2nd row Niamh Raleigh forced her way over the try-line from a ruck in the far corner, pushed on by no 8 Heidi van Schayk to be sure she got past the defending Mary’s players.12-0 at Half time.
At the start of the second half St Mary’s came back with some conviction and were putting Bruff women under pressure in the bottom part of the field for a long time. Following a couple of penalties they were finally able to cross the line in the far corner: 12-5.
After that Bruff women found their mojo and kept Mary’s tied to their half most of the time. Towards the end of the second half wing Eileen O’Gorman got her chance to bash through Mary’s back line after some great back play and put the ball close enought to the posts to allow fly half Cathrine Quinn to complete the conversion. Final score: 19-5!
Next match is next week Sunday at home in Bruff against Richmond

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