Bruff Rugby Football Club

Club Lotto

Tomorrows Lotto is €1800 e in with a chance to win your self some real money by logging onto the website and clicking on Lotto or by downloading the Clubforce app and follow the instructions below.

Step by step guide on how you can sign up to play our lotto today!
1. Download Clubforce App to your phone from the App Store or click on the Clubforce link on our website. 
2. Select Bruff RFC as your club. 
3. Select ‘Lotto’ option
4. Click on ‘Play Now’
5. Complete template pick ‘buying for you or for a friend’ pick payment amount and pick 4 numbers. Remember you have the option to auto renew the amount. 
6. Click continue to step 2. 
7. Enter payment details. 
8. Select an auto renew option if you wish to use this option. 
9. Click to finish!
Big game in Cork tomorrow show your support for the lads k.o 2.30
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